Michael Hanatow
Should you need reimbursement for an approved church expense, click on the REIMBURSEMENT
tab below for a printable copy of a reimbursement form. Fill it out completely and mail it to/drop it off at
the church, marked "ATTN: TREASURER" . Please remember to include receipts for all items needing
reimbursement. Reimbursements can not be given without appropriate receipts. Please email Michael
should you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you!
Michael Hanatow
Should you need reimbursement for an approved church expense, click on the REIMBURSEMENT
tab below for a printable copy of a reimbursement form. Fill it out completely and mail it to/drop it off at
the church, marked "ATTN: TREASURER" . Please remember to include receipts for all items needing
reimbursement. Reimbursements can not be given without appropriate receipts. Please email Michael
should you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you!